I Am Out of the E-Office

I leave for California tomorrow morning for the "Beer Wars" event Thursday evening. (*1)

I hope you''ll consider seeing the film. If you're at the event itself, or the reception after, please say hello. I don't own a "mobile" device so unless I come across some wowza internet access during the next few days, I won't be live blogging or tweeting until I return home. (Yes, I realize I'm hopelessly out of it -- but I work at home and rarely travel, so, ya know, why would I NEED a "mobile" device??)

I'll be back in action here at the website Sunday evening or Monday morning. (Am doing some other stuff after the film.) There's, ahem, plenty to keep you occupied in my absence....


*1: Yes, I live in a place sufficiently "remote" that I need to leave tomorrow in order to be in LA on time for the schedule on Thursday. Film starts at 8 pm eastern time, but the panel participants -- including myself -- need to be in the venue by 1:00 pm.