"Delighted" Barely Describes It: Jack's Beer Rides Again

As I've mentioned here on many occasions, of the many pleasures that writing the beer book has provided, perhaps none as meant more to me than knowing that I helped Jack McAuliffe get the attention and credit he deserves. (For those just tuning in, Jack founded what is rightfully regarded as the first American micro-brewery.) (For more information, see this piece by my pal John Holl; it's the most substantive bio available online.)

Jack's an intensely private person and so, no surprise, also a bit of a recluse (one of many reasons he's a man after my own heart). (*1) When the beer book first came out, and people "discovered" him, he was uncomfortable with the attention. I'm happy to report that he's managed to overcome that discomfort (proving, apparently, that old dogs CAN learn new tricks) and that's a good thing because in the past couple of years, he's gotten plenty of love and respect from the "good beer" community.

And now a new, and truly exciting, honor: The folks at Sam Adams (aka Boston Beer Company and Jim Koch) invited Jack to brew up a new batch of his old (and long gone) New Albion Ale. The beer will be introduced at the Great American Beer Festival in October, and released to the public in January 2013.

For details of this happening, see this terrific piece of reporting from my pal John Holl.

I could not be happier.

Oh: And by the way, Jack and I will be signing copies of my book at the GABF in October. Hope to see you there. (Tickets go one sale to the general public on Thursday, August 2. They sell out VERY quickly, so if you're thinking of going, don't think too long.)


*1: Other reasons I'm so fond of him: He's smart, talented, creative, crazy as a loon, and eccentric as hell. What's not to like?