Prohibition/Repeal Website

Lew Bryson over at Seen Through A Glass alerts readers to this website hosted by the Distilled Spirits Council of the United States. (Who knew??)

Anyway, the folks at DISCUS (how's that for an acronym?) obviously put a lot of time into the site, so have a look.

By the way, I am not ignoring the repeal anniversary completely: I have two op-ed pieces coming out, one tomorrow (the 4th) and one on Friday the 5th. (*1) I will post links to both as they become available. (This assuming, of course, the world does not collapse between now and then. Which could happen....)

Tip o' the mug to Lew.


*1: Reminder here that last April, I wrote a slew of entries about the April 7th anniversary of the return of legal beer. You can find a link to those entries over in the left-hand index. Click the link titled "return of legal beer."